Christmas task

Decorate your tree

Decorate your tree

Decorate your tree

Technologies: React, Typescript, Canvas, Redux Toolkit, Nest, Mongoose. An enjoyable and interactive website for decorating virtual Christmas trees. Spread holiday cheer by designing digital tree decorations with ease and creativity. Achievements: - Designed and made a website that lets people playfully decorate virtual Christmas trees, bringing holiday cheer to the digital world. - Gave users the option to pick different trees and decorations, so they could make each tree special. - Made it easy for users to find their favorite decorations by adding search and filtering options. - Created a cool way to decorate trees using your mouse, just like dragging and dropping ornaments onto a tree. - Added a button to save and download pictures of the decorated trees, so users could share their creations. - Built a feature that lets users save their decorated trees, letting them remember their festive designs.

Technologies: React, Typescript, Canvas, Redux Toolkit, Nest, Mongoose. An enjoyable and interactive website for decorating virtual Christmas trees. Spread holiday cheer by designing digital tree decorations with ease and creativity. Achievements: - Designed and made a website that lets people playfully decorate virtual Christmas trees, bringing holiday cheer to the digital world. - Gave users the option to pick different trees and decorations, so they could make each tree special. - Made it easy for users to find their favorite decorations by adding search and filtering options. - Created a cool way to decorate trees using your mouse, just like dragging and dropping ornaments onto a tree. - Added a button to save and download pictures of the decorated trees, so users could share their creations. - Built a feature that lets users save their decorated trees, letting them remember their festive designs.

Technologies: React, Typescript, Canvas, Redux Toolkit, Nest, Mongoose. An enjoyable and interactive website for decorating virtual Christmas trees. Spread holiday cheer by designing digital tree decorations with ease and creativity. Achievements: - Designed and made a website that lets people playfully decorate virtual Christmas trees, bringing holiday cheer to the digital world. - Gave users the option to pick different trees and decorations, so they could make each tree special. - Made it easy for users to find their favorite decorations by adding search and filtering options. - Created a cool way to decorate trees using your mouse, just like dragging and dropping ornaments onto a tree. - Added a button to save and download pictures of the decorated trees, so users could share their creations. - Built a feature that lets users save their decorated trees, letting them remember their festive designs.

Software engineer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences.

Software engineer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences.

Software engineer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences.